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Fa-reezing, in fact. (Hey, we bring you the surprising news you might not get elsewhere...) But there was still a large number of members out working. It helps that B&G do such a good job of plowing the property.

Joel, for instance, brought out his chili for us to try. It was great -- so I rewarded him with a box of parts from the 277 for him to clean and repaint in his spare time. Thanks, Joel! And of course, the nice warm wood shop attracts several workers. I'll let Bob report on those.

I worked for a while stripping a 277 window; I also had a chance to start cleaning up the interior of the 319. Joe and I looked through both of the new cars, and I took several pictures which I'll add to the photo album.

Nothing more to report from Cleveland, I'm afraid, but the "Minute Men" are standing by to spring into action when their Museum calls!

And Bob Kutella adds:
"We always appreciate the turnout in poor weather, and yesterday we had a pretty good crew working in the shops. As usual it can be thirsty work, but thankfully we were able to go to one of our vending machines for - - -

hicks car works

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