This was another not-very-eventful day. Mostly I worked on the vestibules; also, some parts and tools were removed from the 319 and put into storage.

The #1 vestibule is nearly done. I finished paint removal and sanding on most of the motorman's side, and by 2:00 the ceiling looked like this. At this end, the inside of the side door and the door to the cabinet are in good shape, so they will merely be touch sanded and then repainted.

While the primer was drying, I started burning off paint in the #2 vestbule, as seen here. This end had slightly more paint cracking and peeling, for some reason. This is the door to the #2 cabinet, which was badly checked.

And this is the front of the store as seen from inside, looking out towards the plywood panels serving as shutters.

And the news from Cleveland looks like this. The lights were on but nobody was home, so there's little more I can say.
Thursdays are pretty quiet, but the weekends are always active throughout the winter here at IRM. I would urge everybody who can to come on out on the weekend and lend a hand with the many projects in progress. We can always use your help. And then, of course, there are social activities such as the Soirée and the Snowflake Special. Don't be left out!
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