While still drying, it looked like this:

Once that was done, I had time to do more work on the vestibule. I finished cleaning up the metal parts Frank had done last week, and cleaned up a couple more, then installed them as seen here. They were then painted with white primer.
I also did a lot more paint removal on the walls.

And Tim Peters donated some leftover leather strips which I will need for new straps attached to the buzzer cord in the vestibules, and for holding up the tools in the wreck tool box. Thanks!
It was good to see Bob Kutella again; he has had to stay home for several weeks due to medical problems. As usual, there were several other projects being pursued by various people.

Over in Barn 2, work is progressing on painting the Cleveland PCC. Since it's alongside the 451, it's difficult for work on both cars to proceed simultaneously.
Happy Birthday!
We heard that the reason Dave Diamond wasn't at IRM yesterday was his 40th birthday bash at home. Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday he was just a teenager working at the Hines lumber yard in downtown Palatine.
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