Closer and closer...

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The 205 is drawing near to the point where we can begin painting. Sunday I concentrated on finishing up application of body filler to a few more areas of the car and priming those spots. Included in these were the two wide window posts at the east end of the car body, shown below in "before" (below left, in January) and "after" (below right, yesterday) condition. There was extensive loss of metal in these areas and they had to be patched.

I also finished sanding and primed the northeast corner post, and did progressed on using body filler to smooth out the letterboard at the west end of the car. And I spoke with Dan Fenlaciki, a project worker on Indiana Railroad 65, who gave me some information on the exact shade of orange we're going to want to use for the 205. Once I can procure a sample we'll get it matched and then we can start on turning the car orange!

The department was busy. Norm, Jeff and Walt were working on roof carlines and front end wiring on Michigan 28, George was plugging along on LSE 810, inspection work on CA&E 409 was wrapping up, and several people were working on prepping cars for the July 4th Trolley Pageant. At the end of the day North Shore 714 was brought over to the pit lead for oiling; all other inspection work on the car had been completed last November. It just came out of the Barn 2 paint shop and boy does it look terrific, especially trained with the 749!
hicks car works

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